Tuesday, May 12, 2015

White Steve PR-Vey

Workout date: 5/8/15

My last blog post was about Team DT from last week.  Here is a pic of Michal fighting her way through the end of that workout.  Or...

...this is a photo of me winning the 2015 Crossfit KOP Wet T-Shirt Contest.

Have you read nearly 80 blog posts from me this year and thought "these would be better with a little less Dave and significantly more wit"?  Then I would highly recommend clicking on this:  https://shiteatinggrin.wordpress.com/2015/05/09/double-shot-of-pr-love/

Awww...you came back!  That was very kind of you!  Although I do have to tell you, this post will seem eerily similar to the one you just read.  Because the star of the show today was Cline.  Or White Steve Harvey, his new nickname.  Never in my life did I think I would have to give more detail if I was referring to someone as White Steve Harvey, but with this new nickname, I'm afraid further explanation is in order.  See, there has already been a White Steve Harvey in my life.  It wasn't a very creative nickname when it was originally used.  Jenn worked with a guy named Steve Harvey.  He was white.  And he liked to tell jokes.  Scratch that: he used to attempt to tell jokes, would forget the setup, and then dove straight into the punchline.  The first time I was introduced to him, he asked me what I did for a living.  After responding that I was an actuary, he told me he knew this great actuary joke.  The joke began with an actuary not making eye contact, then he couldn't remember how the rest went.  About 10 seconds went by as he tried to remember how it went before finally going with "well anyways, actuaries have no social skills!"  Nice to meet you too, White Steve Harvey!

Cline earned that nickname by rocking a quality outfit from the Steve Harvey collection at the KOP Prom.  Advantage: KOP White Steve Harvey.  Cline is also all about doubling up on the WODs.  When I was re-doing 15.1 at the Annex during the Open, I saw Cline do a WOD, then take on 15.1.  Insane.  15.1 was bad enough on it's own.  Friday we got a Crossfit BOGO as we were doing Annie (50-40-30-20-10 reps of double unders and sit-ups) and then finding a 1RM for our clean and jerk.  Plus, it was approximately 137 degrees inside the gym.  Who's ready to get sweaty?

The answer was White Steve Harvey.  To be fair, he probably didn't get as sweaty as me, but he killed it doing Annie, then he really killed it on the clean and jerk.  Maybe that guy should do two WODs per day.  Would make reaching 200 for the year a lot easier...just sayin.  I had done Annie back in February along side of Cline and he smoked me on it.  For the rematch, I was simply hoping to break 10 minutes as my time of 11:28 was not wonderful.  We got going and I was rattling off double unders.  Made it through 35 in a row before tripping.  Cline managed to do 49 before missing on number 50.  He did one more and was on to the sit-ups, but I was not far behind him.  Giulz was coaching us and had recommended anchoring our sit-ups with dumbbells on our feet rather than doing butterfly sit-ups.  The consensus seemed to be that this helped most people, but it did not help me.  Still, I got through the round of 50 pretty fast and was a little beyond 2 minutes when I got back to the jump rope.

The round of 40 did not go as smoothly, but I was not tremendously far behind Cline when I got back to my sit-ups.  Surprisingly, the sit-ups started to become tough.  I tried to keep a good pace, but I was losing time.  When I finished up this round, I was only a couple of ticks under 6 minutes, meaning I was on 10 minute pace.  Ugh.  Even worse was when I could not do a double under to save my life as I began the round of 30.  I lost a ton of time here and completely lost contact with Cline.  Getting back to the sit-ups didn't help as I struggled there again.  For the round of 20, the double unders were slightly better and I pushed hard to get through the sit-ups with the finish line in sight.  The light bulb went back on in my head when I strung the final 10 double unders, then did the last 10 sit-ups.  Sadly, I could only manage a time of 11:51, 23 seconds worse than last time.  Cline was done about two and a half minutes earlier.

Having exhausted myself despite a very slow time, I now had the pleasure to lift heavy weights.  I've been dreaming of clean and jerking 225 pounds for a while, but after nearly 12 minutes of suck, I was pretty sure tonight would not be my breakthrough.  But surprisingly, I started to go through a progression of lifts and ended up successful on all of them, including one at 215.  Maybe I could get 225 tonight!  I ended up making 4 attempts at 225, all failures.  I was close on the second clean, but couldn't quite keep it under control.  Everyone kept telling me to shoot my elbows through, and I was trying, but it just wasn't happening.  So I remain frustrated at 215.

Cline?  He said sayonara to any plateaus he may have had.  His max clean was 160 and max clean and jerk was 150.  Let me say this: when I watched him clean the bar at 175, it was like his mind went "What's that bar doing on the ground?  I'll just nonchalantly bring it up to my shoulders.  Ahhh...that's better!"  It was absurdly easy looking.  After setting a 25 pound PR with a successful jerk at 175, he cleaned 185 without much of a problem.  The jerk didn't work out, but that was a 25 pound PR on his clean as well, officially making it a double Brett Mercer PR night for Cline.  Impressive stuff!

That was the last WOD before hitting the road for work, but there will be a couple of on-the-road blogs from my adventures in Plano coming soon!

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