Workout date: 9/3/15
Earlier this year, I got a chance to re-try the baseline test I took when I first started at KOP. I had been hoping for a long time that it would be programmed as a WOD, but after two years, I got impatient and just did it on my own one night. My original try at it involved push-ups from my knees and jumping pull-ups, but the two year anniversary attempt was done RX. I thought I might be able to shave off quite a bit of time as well, but my arch-nemesis, the pull-up, was my undoing. After completing everything but the pull-ups in 4:34, another 4:07 was required to do 10 legit pull-ups. I wasn't thrilled with the outcome, but I didn't have some nagging urge to re-do the workout again. At least not until I had anything resembling decent pull-up technique.
Turns out I just needed to be patient for 6 more months. The baseline test was finally programmed as WOD. Only this was the baseline test on steroids. Here was the WOD for 9/3:
The Baseline - "Triple Take"
3 Rounds:
500 meter row
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
30 pull-ups should not have been a problem (never thought I'd write that). They would be incredibly slow, but I'd handled that volume a few times in recent months. Just a couple of weeks ago I completed Helen RX for the first time and that included three rounds of 12 pull-ups. So while I didn't expect to be fast, I thought I'd be able to complete this workout the way it was written. Oh how wrong I would be.
The 5:30 class was an awesome mix of people that I don't get to workout with enough. The class included Shawna, Samson, Jill C., Silver Fox and King (making a rare afternoon WOD appearance). Cline was also there and I knew he'd be able to handle this workout RX. He's at a level with his pull-ups that I'd like to be at: doesn't string a whole lot of them, but is consistent in knocking them out. That's a definite contrast to me. Each time I step up to the bar it becomes a complete guessing game as to whether or not I'll be able to do pull-ups.
The goal was to go fast in the first round and then work my way through the final two rounds with time being less of a concern (within reason). Because that first round would be a re-test of the baseline I did 6 months ago. And while I wasn't consumed with beating that time, you don't pass up an opportunity when it presents itself.
I was working on one end of the gym, with Samson, King, and Jill nearby. Jill is at about the same stage as me with her pull-ups (although after this workout, I'm thinking she's more at Cline's level than my level), so I was hoping we'd both find some pull-up magic today, at least during round one. I wasn't worried about the rest of the movements. We got started and I probably went a little slower on the row then I had 6 months ago, but my focus was keeping my body as calm as possible for the 10 pull-ups awaiting me at the end of the round. I got off the rower in less than two minutes and proceeded to the air squats. I broke these up (possibly too much), but again, I felt like I had established a good pace to keep my body calm. The sit-ups weren't a problem and after breaking up the 20 push-ups into two sets, I headed to the pull-up bar. I was near the 4:30 mark. King was finishing the last of his pull-ups, but I was the next one to get to the bar. Stay calm and get these 10 pull-ups.
I believe I got 6 of them in quick succession (for me anyways) before things got dicey. One by one, all the folks who could do pull-ups got to their bar and passed by me, with their reward being a two minute rest. Jill was on the bar in front of me and she was making her way through her 10 reps. I had no idea how much time I was taking to get through these 10 pull-ups, but I knew it wasn't nearly as bad as the four minute flailing session I had gone through back in February. Finally I finished up and looked at the clock. Round 1 time: 6:55. Not great, but a PR. Time to rest.
Between the push-ups and the pull-ups, my arms were a little bit tired, but I still felt like I could complete the workout RX. Two minutes elapsed and I started rowing again. The pace was slower, but not horrible. It was in the 2:10 range this time around. My air squats were similar to round one, with a few breaks sprinkled in whenever I felt they were warranted. My abs let me know they weren't psyched about doing 30 more sit-ups, but I got them done. I had to split up the push-ups a lot more than I had in round one and that slowed things down. It was also an indication that my arms were tiring. This would be a big problem very soon.
When I finished the first round at 6:55, I thought a good second round time for me would be around 8:30. And maybe my time would have been in that range had my technique not fallen apart on me in that second round. But fall apart it did. About midway through the second set of 10, an old habit of mine returned. My right hand would involuntarily slide wildly across the bar, like it was desperately seeking a high five from my left hand. A few times I was able to save things and got the rep by doing a close-grip strict pull-up. That technique quickly sapped me of my energy. I somehow got to 9 reps after a long struggle, but no matter what I did, I could not get that 10th rep. As my frustration grew, I saw others in the class closing in on me. Except they were on their 3rd round. It was time to raise the white flag.
I walked over and grabbed a box and a band, set the band up on the rig, and did the final rep. Round 2 time: 12:00. For the next two minutes, I stewed while others either wrapped up their workout or put distance between themselves and me as they worked through round three. Mentally I was finished with this workout. I would complete it, but I was angrily going through the motions. My row was in the 2:20-2:30 range. Aimee had come over to cheer me on through the air squats and I did all 40 without stopping (proving the earlier breaks likely were unnecessary). I did the 30 sit-ups. When it came to the push-ups, I managed to knock out 12 before completing the final eight in two sets of 4. For the first time that day, I wasn't worried about the pull-ups. I went slower than expected (what a surprise!), but the band helped me finish up the workout. Round 3 time: 7:13.
When I was done, I went for a walk. I had signed up for open strength at 6:30, but there was a big 6:30 class in the gym and squat racks would be unavailable. More importantly, I didn't want to be around anyone. This ranked up there along with my second attempt of Open workout 15.2 and the second event of the King and Queen competition as my worst experiences at the gym this year. I walked out to the boat house, then stopped to sit by the river on the way back. When I felt like I had gotten my shit together, I walked back to the gym. The 6:30 class was getting started right when I got back. Once they had finished up, I was able to do my 6x2 back squat routine. As I mentioned in my previous post about starting up the back squat program again, this is essentially a working rest day. Wounded pride did not prevent me from quickly getting the work done.
Another trip out of town for Labor Day weekend meant I'd be away from the gym for a few more days. I was left once again hoping that my fortunes might change when I returned.
Post Labor Day preview: the toughest day in the back squat program followed by lots of thrusters.
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