Workout date: 7/12/15
With King and Queen week upon us, there will be less blog posts than usual simply because I know I am going to get my ass kicked on Saturday doing the 5 WODs in the competition, so there is no point in working out a ton this week. My plan for the week is to work out on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, with some light form work sprinkled in along the way. I have always been the type to feel a workout two days after I did it rather than the next day, but more recently I've begun feeling it the next day (translation: I'm old). So taking off Thursday and Friday before the competition seems like the way to go.
Marisa had posted a workout for some competition on Facebook and it had to be videotaped and submitted by Sunday. I originally thought Michal and I would be doing this on Sunday, but then Michal came down with a case of tequila, so she couldn't do it. Rachel decided she would do it instead, although I don't think any of us were thrilled about that because she has been having back pain recently and this workout was not going to make her back feel any better. The workout?
5 minutes:
30 clean and jerks (135/95)
Then AMRAP of bar-facing burpees
Part of the reason why I was interested in doing this is because it was another opportunity to trim my Grace time to under 3 minutes. I would likely have to crawl through the bar-facing burpees afterwards, but that was fine.
Due to some video difficulties, we determined that we would have to do this workout one at a time. Ladies first! We set the clock on the IPad to 6 minutes so that there would be a minute countdown before beginning. As it dwindled towards 5 minutes, we told Rachel to get ready. And then she was off. And she would not put the bar down. I think she did something like 13 in a row before letting go of the bar. She had 15-16 reps at the 1:00 mark. I was getting ready to erase her old PR from the top of the gym whiteboard. Then something strange happened when she got to 20 reps. Rachel started telling me she wasn't going to finish. She looked at the clock and grew very frustrated. A few reps later, she repeated the claim that she couldn't finish and added that she had no idea how she did this in two and a half minutes before. I kept yelling at her to stop looking at the clock and to keep going, but she was pretty adamant in her position. Once she got to 27 reps, things clicked again and she did the last 3 reps fairly quickly. Her Grace time? 2:49. I wish I could throw a tantrum and still finish that quickly! (Later, Rachel would admit that she didn't realize the clock was counting down, so when she looked at it, she thought she was over 3 minutes at 20 reps, which led to the tantrum.)
As she made her way through the bar-facing burpees, I kept score, but then at one point, I turned around to answer a question from somebody. When I turned back around, I was a little confused about how many she had done. At least it's on video. I'm pretty sure she got 21 or 23 burpees (it was an odd number, I know that much based on what side of the bar she ended on).
Time for me to go! Yay? None of what I just witnessed looked fun, but my main focus was on the first half of the workout. If my bar-facing burpees sucked and I didn't get a high score, I wasn't going to lose any sleep. There was no way I was winning this online competition. This was simply for fun. (Note to self: get a new hobby)
I got started and I noticed early on I was in trouble. I only strung the first 5 reps and then dropped. Strung 4 more, then dropped. I think I managed at least one set of 2 reps, possibly two, but I was feeling drained. 135 shouldn't have felt super heavy, but it was max effort to get that bar over my head. After 17 reps, I made an attempt at #18, only to barely jerk the bar over my eyebrows, forcing me to drop it. At that point I expressed my displeasure by screaming "TRUCK!" (or something like that) and walking away from the bar. I had completely forgotten this was on tape and it didn't really dawn on me until after I was done. Let's not submit my tape. Thanks.
I slowly made my way through the final 13 reps, finishing in a time of "three forty something". Not good at all. I slogged through the bar-facing burpees as best I could, completing my 10th rep right before time was called. It was a miserable workout and I had done poorly on top of it. Not exactly the mindset I wanted to begin King and Queen week.
Monday workout: running and more squats than you could ever want to do in a WOD. At least they threw in some overheads at the end. Yay!
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